Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Yoga And Fitness

Yoga is a system of exercises practiced as a part of discipline to promote control over body and mind. It originated from INDIA by Hindu mythology about 5000 years ago. It is growing on a very fast rate in USA and other western countries. Yoga exercises are practice in a slow vivacious manner, unlike muscle building exercise.

The basic mission of yoga is to develop your mental, physical, and spiritual aspects to create accord in mind and body. It endorsed into eight limbs. First four limbs occupied mental and physical exercises, while the other four by meditation. Breathing is the most important part of health in yoga. In yoga, you are teaching to make balance between health and body by using strength and flexibility.

Beginners should start yoga under proper supervision of an expert because you have to adopt various body postures, which need special care. By the time, body will become flexible and the posture will held for longer period. If the postures are not done properly, they could damage the body.

While practicing yoga you must take care of some important notes. You must wear loose clothes, which would make you feel more comfortable while doing yoga. It is generally advised to do yoga bare feet, so remove socks before you begin. If you have long hair try to tie it back so that it does not distract you. After having a heavy meal, you must wait for at least four hour, and at least for two hours after a light meal for practicing yoga.

There are many health benefits of yoga. It improves your entity and makes your mind more relaxing. It also improves your sleep and digestion habits. It makes you look and feel younger. It decreases life long pain and sustain immune system. Yoga help keep away the diseases, as it massages the internal organs. It encourages optimum flow of blood into body organs by stretching muscles and body. This process exits the toxins from our body. Yoga also helps in burning calories and speed up the metabolism, which in turn helps in loosing weight. This is good for obese people.

An upside down posture of yoga called Sirshasana activates and energizes the body. This asana cures diseases of lungs, liver, digestive system, and urinary system. It is mostly suited for women. Women should not practice these exercises during monthly periods and pregnancy. Sirshasana also helps in improving memory and eyesight.
Yoga also increases sexual energy. It helps in disappearing grey hair. A regular practice of yoga can also help in curing many fatal diseases.

Anyone can start Yoga, in any age. So, just adopt yoga and enjoy your life.