If a person cannot for some reason perform other exercises, he should perform at least Surya Namaskar 10 to 15 minutes per day. The total time devoted to Surya Namaskar and the speed of performing them should be progressively increased. If Surya Namaskar is performed in open air in the mild sunlight of the early morning, one derives the benefits of sun bathing in addition to benefits of the Surya Namaskaras themselves.
A sequence of twelve positions constitutes one Surya Namaskar.
A person can begin this exercise with 3 to 6 Surya Namaskaras in a session. And can gradually increase the number of repetitions and the speed of each cycle. All the twelve positions constitutes twelve asanas, namely namaskar asana, parvat asana, hastapad asana, ekpadaprasaran asana, bhoodhar asana, ashtangapranipat asana, bhujang asana, bhodhar asana, ekpadaprasaran asana, hastapad asana, parvat asana and finally daksh asana .
Surya Namaskar is an exercise which combines the benefit of two types of exercise, that is yogic asanas and exercises involving rapid movements. As it starts and ends with the same position, the body gets enough blood circulation in one complete routine of this asana. It is also scientifically proven for providing good blood circulation through out the body.
As per the popular saying, we are not human beings on a spiritual journey; we are spiritual beings on a human journey. And Surya Namaskar is in a way our respect to the sun god, our offering in grace. It has physical values and the same time instills devotional effect. Which is quiet an easy process to follow by simpletons and also children.
It is a good warm up exercise session before any type of yoga or work. And at the same time has the entire goodness equivalent to a heavy work out.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Thus yoga and exercise helps us reveal what lies within us through its innate features. And Surya Namaskar is the fundamental of such yoga which helps us to relax, refresh and revitalize one self.