Monday, July 21, 2008

Surya Namaskar Yoga: Know About Its Constitution

The benefits of yoga asanas as well as rapid exercises can be derived from Surya Namaskar yoga, the sun salutation.

If a person cannot for some reason perform other exercises, he should perform at least Surya Namaskar 10 to 15 minutes per day. The total time devoted to Surya Namaskar and the speed of performing them should be progressively increased. If Surya Namaskar is performed in open air in the mild sunlight of the early morning, one derives the benefits of sun bathing in addition to benefits of the Surya Namaskaras themselves.

A sequence of twelve positions constitutes one Surya Namaskar.

A person can begin this exercise with 3 to 6 Surya Namaskaras in a session. And can gradually increase the number of repetitions and the speed of each cycle. All the twelve positions constitutes twelve asanas, namely namaskar asana, parvat asana, hastapad asana, ekpadaprasaran asana, bhoodhar asana, ashtangapranipat asana, bhujang asana, bhodhar asana, ekpadaprasaran asana, hastapad asana, parvat asana and finally daksh asana .

Surya Namaskar is an exercise which combines the benefit of two types of exercise, that is yogic asanas and exercises involving rapid movements. As it starts and ends with the same position, the body gets enough blood circulation in one complete routine of this asana. It is also scientifically proven for providing good blood circulation through out the body.

As per the popular saying, we are not human beings on a spiritual journey; we are spiritual beings on a human journey. And Surya Namaskar is in a way our respect to the sun god, our offering in grace. It has physical values and the same time instills devotional effect. Which is quiet an easy process to follow by simpletons and also children.

It is a good warm up exercise session before any type of yoga or work. And at the same time has the entire goodness equivalent to a heavy work out.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Thus yoga and exercise helps us reveal what lies within us through its innate features. And Surya Namaskar is the fundamental of such yoga which helps us to relax, refresh and revitalize one self.

Yoga With Ayurveda-Know The Blends Of Yoga

The term Ayurveda refers to the knowledge of life.

Ayurveda is a successful therapeutic medicine mainly formed from herbal compounds. It is mild in dosage and hence suitable for kids and the aged. It was commenced in India before several hundred decades and still implemented as a comprehensive form of medicine developed by the Rishis namely the sages, which in English could be termed as the physician or the surgeon.

“Yoga with Ayurveda always tends to form a good combo, as yoga asanas takes care of the body externally, Ayurveda directly reaches us internally.”

Ayurveda need not be treated only as a medicine but just like yoga it can also be substituted for a pre caution. Ayurveda also has sub branches such as beauty treatment, health food, and external as well as internal medicines .

Yoga Ayurveda can be followed regularly under guidance of experienced masters in the correct proportion for a total carefree, healthy & pious body and mind . Ayurveda differs from the rest of the medicine category because of the fact that it considers health as an integral part of spiritual life. And this blend is the fact which hooks up Ayurveda with yoga.

Ayurveda is generally considered to be the mother of all healing. It is the science of life and longevity, a universal medicine in fact. But there is also a myth that prevails regarding Ayurveda which says it is a divine revelation and it is never tested or experimented through any source and thus directly came into implementation.

Ayurveda generally comes in several forms such as herbs, foods, aromas, gems, colors yoga and mantra. But still yoga Ayurveda is considered to be the best combo out of the rest of the options as mentioned earlier.

Yoga Ayurveda cannot be taken as one more form of health care system as it is by itself a lifestyle adopted to maintain perfect balance in one's life. It can be also taken as the art of self-care and self-knowledge where we analyze our own mind and body needs, and give the appropriate care which is necessary. Yoga Ayurveda makes a wonderful blend to study ourselves better and give the exact care our body requires.

Yoga Aerobic: Find Out The Positive Effects

With tremendous growth in the fitness industry, aerobics is becoming more and more popular day after day.

It is a highly choreographed class with dance exercise that needs a lot of coordination with skill. Aerobics in general is practiced for good, flexible, and a heavy work out. Where as yoga can also be taken as an alternative for aerobics hence yoga itself consists of all movements which can implement an elevated heart rate equivalent to aerobics work out.

“Yoga aerobics however depends upon the practitioner's will power to perform all the asana's aptly and acquire the benefits of aerobics.”

It is better to follow an experienced master regarding this, as yoga aerobics involves streaming poses which can work wonders within one self when worked out relevantly under the right guidance.

Aerobics in general target the heart, all its movement constitutes a pull or push force from the heart. This incredibly boosts the block of glucose contents of the body along with fatty acids. Also boosts the oxygen content in blood through the heat it passes through out the body during the work out which further leads to burning of unnecessary fat in the body.

Yoga aerobics needs patience to skill to master it as it tends to give the best results of any kind of yoga practiced today.

Yoga aerobics also supplies a number of benefits as a package itself, improved and even blood circulation, burns unwanted fats and cholesterol, improves HDL and reduces LDL in the body. Moreover it refines our toxic intakes from our day-to-day life through various forms of pollution and toxicities, boosts up strength and stamina , and makes us more flexible through warm up of muscles and joints. And, it gets us relieved from excess stress and fatigue, hikes our confidence, realize our dignity, improved breath control, weight reduction and total fitness.

Yoga aerobics is differentiated from the other form of aerobics through its additional effect on mental clarity and balance in mood of its practitioners , thus training them also psychologically apart from physical exercise.

Yoga aerobics is a rare physical activity that concentrates on whole body fitness and health without creating any side effects in future and hence it is a must know for today's generation.

Get Success With Yoga

It is a common question asked by most people that, is it possible to fight failures and achieve success by practicing yoga. Well, the answer to this question is affirmative. It is very important to have a positive outlook towards the life. A person must encourage himself and not lose heart, on encountering a failure. It must be always remembered that failure is the path to success.

Many yogis say that, a person must take failures positively. When a person tries to achieve a goal and fails, he must not get disheartened, as failures are bound to be encountered on the way to success. A person must be hopeful and take the failure in an optimistic way. Also there always exist a scope to ameliorate the weaknesses and convert them into the strengths.

Yoga is a great way to control, how a person sees himself and the world outside. Performing the yoga exercises one can achieve a peace of mind, which is very essential to take the right logical and analytical decisions. A person, who has the sense of the good can bad, is always successful. Hence yoga helps fight failures.

Using the various exercises in yoga, a person can improve the physical as well as the mental well being. It is quite important to maintain a balance between the work and relaxation. Yoga helps relax easily and quickly. Doing yoga on a regular basis makes a person physically strong and mentally stable to take the right decisions.

The more important fact is that, failures are most of the times inevitable. A person trying to achieve a goal always confronts failures, but it should be kept in mind that, it is only a temporary phase and would change with better efforts.

Thus a person should expect failure on the way to success and not get disheartened under such conditions. Arduous work, and proper thinking can alone win many battles. Success is only achieved when a person has tasted failures in life. And to keep the mind fit, and to be able to take he right decisions by applying logical and analytical reasoning, yoga must be practiced.