IF you're practicing yoga, understanding and applying techniques properly is very important. Yoga can be an important part of an overall campaign to improve your health, since exercise is a big part of preventing disease and staying healthy. It's one of the most effective methods, since it puts little strain on the body, and provides many other health benefits. It's also easy to practice yoga wherever you are, since it requires no special equipment. You can do it at home or away, at whatever time you choose. Many people prefer yoga as their method for living a healthy, happy life.

There are plenty of yoga techniques available. However, there are a few that are very effective, no matter where you are or when you'd like to practice.
Different Yoga Techniques for perfect Yoga:
Here are five basic yoga techniques that form the foundation of many others. They are: relaxation, posture, meditation, joint movement, and deep breathing. Every technique performs its own function in concert with the others, to produce the desired effect.
1. Relaxation: Relaxation is composed of a number of other yoga techniques to help you improve your concentration, allowing you to focus your attention more effectively. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety. For instance, the Hong-Sau is a technique meant to help focus your latent powers of concentration, and to develop your Divine Consciousness. The familiar Aum technique uses simple repetitive sounds to expand awareness beyond the body's limitations. Remember that one of the main objectives of yoga is creating a satisfying feeling of relaxation. It's important to find out how to effectively release your tension, allowing you to feel better and to be healthier.
2. Posture: You will of course need to be able to perform the right exercises and learn the right postures that will give your body the right tone and these exercises will often require you to sit, stand or even lie down. The better you are with these techniques, the more comfortable you will feel with different yoga postural exercises, and even if the postures require you to perform difficult poses, the proper yoga techniques will help you gain mastery.
3. Meditation: Meditation is one of the Five techniques of Yoga. It is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind. It requires you to focus your mind at one point and make your mind still in order to perceive the 'self'. Through the practice of Meditation, you will achieve a greater sense of purpose and strength of will. It also helps you achieve a clearer mind, improve your concentration, and discover the wisdom and tranquility within you.
4. Joint Movement: In Sanskrit, the movement of the joints is referred to as "sandhichalana". This yoga technique, as the name implies, focuses on the joints, which undergo full movements. It's important to remember that this applies to all joints, from the hands to the neck and lower limbs.
5. Deep Breathing: Yoga breathing is one of the most important aspects of a successful yoga practice. Well, first of all you need to acknowledge that by the process of breathing we provide our bodies with the necessary amounts of oxygen that we all require in order to thrive. Moreover, the breathing process is vital because it is an efficient way of getting rid of the by-products of metabolism our bodies generate. Deep breathing leads to stronger lungs and to a healthier heart & Relaxation of the body and mind.
Though you can perform yoga techniques at any place, it is much better to perform them in quietude as well as in seclusion and even choosing times of the day such as sunrise and sunset is most recommended. And, if you are lucky enough to have mastered the five main yoga techniques, you could even go on to become a guru or senior and learn other techniques as well.

Yoga techniques, when done properly, will bring you a sense of peace and vitality that can last for a lifetime.