What is Pilates?
According to the Pilates Method Alliance, Pilates is a type of exercise and physical movement that is designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the entire body. When done on a regular basis, Pilate’s exercises provide numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that Pilates increases lung capacity and strength and improves posture, flexibility, coordination, and balance. In addition, bone density and joint health may improve as well.
While yoga has a 5,000 year history, Pilates exercises were developed by Joseph Pilates in 1914. Mr. Pilates was a performer and boxer who worked with his wife Clara, an experienced nurse, to develop exercises that would help bedridden patients regain their strength and mobility. As time went on, the original Pilates exercises were slightly modified to provide benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Mr. Pilates believed that by improving the "powerhouse" of the body – the abdomen and buttocks – as well as the muscles around the joints through a series of controlled and precise techniques, a body would gain strength without bulk and an increased range of motion.
Incorporating Pilates into Your Yoga Practice
In recent years, both beginning and advanced yogis have been incorporating Pilate’s principles into their workouts. The yoga Pilate’s combination is only natural, since both forms of exercise stress the creation of a balanced mind, body, and spirit. Adding basic Pilate’s exercises to your workout will help you become more mindful of your physical limitations and provide you with a new insight into how your body moves. In addition Pilates focuses on core strengthening, which emphasizes a strong abdominal and back area; a strong core will help your overall health, strength and flexibility.
There are two ways for you to enjoy yoga Pilate’s workout:
* You can do Pilates exercises before you begin your asana practice. This lets you warm your muscles and work on developing a stronger core without disturbing the quiet of your practice.
* You can incorporate Pilate’s principles throughout your workout by modifying various yoga poses. For example, you can try scooping your abdomen inward as you move into the Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend.
Similarities between Yoga and Pilates:
The Similarities b/w the 2 types of exercise help to incorporate the yoga into Pilate exercise that leads to a better result and a complete relaxed body.
Both the forms of exercises make extensive use of controlled movements, balance and proper breathing techniques. Also, Yoga exercises are performed almost exclusively on mat and Pilates also includes various mat-based exercises. Both exercise styles help in alleviating stress, healing sore body and stretching muscles.
Differences between Yoga and Pilates
Even though both Yoga and Pilates appear to be similar, they have several differences. First one being, Pilates exercises are also performed using various equipments like Pilates Reformer, Wunda Chair, Stability Ball, Resistance Bands and so on. On the other hand, Yoga movements are performed almost exclusively on a floor mat. Yoga aims at co-ordination of mind, body and soul and to enhance healing, flexibility and strength of joints. Yoga is more of a spiritual nature, which tries to evoke the latent energy of the body whereby regulating the hormonal flow and harmonizing the workings of various organs of the body. Pilates exercises emphasize on strengthening the abdominal muscles, improve posture, stabilize and elongate the spine and to impart overall strength.
Even after knowing about both Pilates and Yoga, if you are still wondering which of the two techniques is better for you, think about incorporating both in your workout routine. Both Yoga and Pilates can be successfully used in conjunction with each other. In fact, several exercises incorporating the elements of yoga and Pilates, known interestingly as Yogilates, have been developed which result in a complete workout.