Thursday, December 26, 2013

Yoga- A Way to Attain Good Health and Spirituality

Yoga focuses on harmony between mind and body. Yoga derives its philosophy from Indian metaphysical beliefs. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit language and means union or merger. The ultimate aim of this philosophy is to strike a balance between mind and body and attain self-enlightenment. To achieve this, yoga uses movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation in order to establish a healthy, lively and balanced approach to life.

Yoga and Postures:

Yoga is all about Yoga poses and postures. There are umpteen numbers of Yoga poses and postures. These Yoga poses or Yoga Asana have evolved over thousands of years. As Yoga originated in India, most of the Yoga poses were developed by sages and ascetics. There are many important things which need to be kept in mind while trying and executing Yoga postures and positions. At the time of starting Yoga one should very well know his/her body limits. One should listen to his body, especially in the beginning.

The simple rule is to start with a teacher. You may also take help of some good books on Yoga for learning Yoga poses or Yoga Asanas. Videos are also of great help to help you learn Yoga poses. 

Yoga and its Types:

The prominent Yoga types or Yoga styles are Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Purna Yoga and Raja Yoga. Though all the above Yoga styles are popular among the Yoga followers but the Kundalini Yoga type is most sought after in the west. It is interesting to note that different Yoga types have their unique virtues. Some Yoga styles are useful for physical strength whereas some are useful for increasing mental prowess.

Bhakti Yoga emphasizes love and devotion whereas Hatha Yoga is an easy Yoga style and most popular in the US. Jnana Yoga highlights the use of the mind to surpass the mind i.e. to discern the mind. Karma Yoga lays emphasis on selfless action and service. Kundalini Yoga uses sexual experience as a means to enlightenment and knowledge. In the Mantra Yoga meditation one has to chant a word or a phrase until he/she transcends mind and emotions. Purna Yoga lays more emphasis on the importance of Karma in day today life. Raja Yoga provides solution for complete and holistic healing. 

Yoga and its 8 Limbs:

Compiled by Maharishi Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, the Eight Limbs of Yoga are a progressive series of steps or disciplines which purify the body and mind, ultimately leading the Yogi (one who practices Yoga) to enlightenment. While the physical part of yoga is certainly of significance, it is only one of the eight conventional limbs of Yoga practice, all of which have meditation of God as their rationale. These are the eight limbs of the complete yoga system as they are found in the famous Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

  • Yama - Moral observances for interactions with others
  • Niyama - Moral observances for interactions with yourself
  • Asana - Postures
  • Pranayama - Breathing
  • Pratyahara - Sensory inhibition
  • Dharana - Focus
  • Dhyana - Meditation
  • Samadhi - Blissful absorption of one's individual consciousness in the essence of God.
Yoga and its Benefits:

The benefits of Yoga are numerous. In terms of energy Yoga is like a universe in itself. Some of the important Yoga benefits include anti-ageing, balance and flexibility of body, increase in knowledge and wealth, improvement in mental health and development of personal and social values. This is not the end of story; Yoga also helps in improving strength, sexual life and reducing weight. Yoga makes you feel good. Yoga is relaxing. It's energizing. It's strengthening.


The driving force of yoga is aimed at the monumental, life-changing discovery of whom and what you actually are. This is precisely how yoga works, how it makes you feel good. Yoga helps you experience the truth. The truth- which, you discover is goodness. The implications of knowing the truth is massive. Thus Yoga gives you the strength to unravel the truth with which you will begin to live with security, confidence and inner psychological peace. Such great are the benefits and properties of Yoga. Yoga changes your life.