But yogis who lived several centuries ago have left us their secret invention which is ‘ yoga asanas .' Yoga is an exercise which demands both mental and physical attention. The various postures in these exercises are said to be asanas in yogic terms .
“Yoga asanas demands flexibility of body tissues, and also involves a lot of breath exercises along with physical exercise.”
Like any other exercises, yoga also has its own poses . But the most important variation is that, yoga involves a massive role of breath control along with physical exercise. There should be a merge between the breath and the asanas as such it helps to improve our vitality.
Yoga also needs a lot of grace while doing it, as the main role of yoga is to provide stress free, relaxed, body tone up and a refreshed mind. That is why unlike any other exercise pattern, yoga reveals refreshment, stamina and energy after its session rather than fatigue and exhaustion.
According to yogic principle, the body is a vehicle that carries the soul on its journey towards perfection and yoga is always blended with the effect of spirituality in order to bring clarity for inner consciousness. Yoga asanas usually gives major concentration to the spine movements as it increases blood circulation, which provides sufficient oxygen that the body requires.
All traditional yoga asanas starts with the sun salutation which is known as Surya Namaskar in yogic terms. As per the scriptures say, there are more than 8,400,000 asanas in the entire yogic practice. But people in today's world have neither the time nor patience to learn as many asanas.
So they choose certain asanas according to its nature and benefits which suits their life style and practice only them. In such a way some of the most commonly practiced asanas these days are sirshasana (headstand), sarvangasana (shoulder stand), halasana (plough), matsyasana (fish), paschimothanasana (forward bend), bhujangasana (cobra), shalabhasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), ardha matsyendrasana (spinal twist), mayurasana (peacock pose), pada hasthasana (standing forward bend), trikonasana (triangle).