The Yoga Diet is one the Five Principles of Yoga. You will soon notice that eating properly will aid your health and make you feel fit and cleaner. The Yoga Diet is a perfect complement to Yoga Exercise. Despite the fact that the Yoga Diet is not a diet in the common sense of the word, you will probably lose considerable weight by just eating only healthy foods. Even if you do not want to become a vegetarian, following these basic Yoga Diet rules as it will make you feel so much better.
About Yogic Diet:

You should have certain knowledge of dietetics in order to balance your yogic diet. Eating foods that are picked right from nature, grown in rich fertile soil that is preferably organic which are grown without chemicals or pesticides, cooked, if ever strictly according to the traditional yoga diet recipes will promote a better supply of your nutritional needs. And, keep in mind that packaging, refining, and cooking destroy much food value.
Yogis believe that the flesh of the dead animals is inferior by its nature. All natural yoga diet products like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains have different proportions of those essential nutrients. As a great source of nutrition, those yogic diet food groups are easily digested into the body. However, the second hand sources are usually more difficult to assimilate and so are much less valuable to the organism.
The healthy motto of the yogic diet is eating to live not live to eat. It is only right that we understand that the sole purpose of eating is supplying our bodies with the life force or in sand script, prana, the vital energy. Therefore, the greatest nutrition of the yoga seeker is the simple yogic diet consisting of natural and fresh foods.
However, the original yogic diet is even more selective than what we have mentioned above. The yogis are concerned with the side effects that the foods have on the human mind and the entire body. They then avoid food that are over stimulating and prefer the foods that keep the mind in calm and peaceful state and leave the intellect sharp. A seeker that seriously accepts the path of the yogic diet should avoid meat fish, eggs, onion, garlic, beverages like coffee, tea, and soda pop, herbal tea is the exception. You should not have alcohol and drugs of course.
Any change in an individual yogic diet should be made carefully and gradually after thoughtful consideration. A person may begin by substituting bigger portions of vegetables, seeds, and nuts until at last all the so called flesh products are excluded from your diet. The yogic diet allows you to maintain a healthy health standard, keep your mind crystal clear, and your intellect sharp.
Yogis call it as a Sattvic Diet:
Sattvic Food
* The purest diet
* The most suitable one for any serious student of yoga.
* Nourishes the body and maintains it in a peaceful state.
* Calms and purifies the mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential.
* Leads to true health; a peaceful mind in control of a fit body, with a balanced flow of energy between them.
Sattvic foods include:
* Cereals
* Whole meal bread
* Fresh fruit and vegetables
* Pure fruit juices
* Milk
* Butter and cheese
* Legumes
* Nuts
* Seeds
* Sprouted seeds
* Honey and herb teas
In Yoga, the Sattvic diet is considered to be a very important issue for the holistic health of a Yoga practitioner. The Sattvic Diet does bring about peaceful behavior, while nourishing the body and mind.
Never “play at” being superior, because you are eating healthy or practicing Yoga. This is a big “turn off” to those who would benefit from eating a Sattvic diet and healthy living.
Eating healthy, and practicing Yoga, is a personal choice. It is also true that no one can be forced to eat healthy. You will do more damage than good by making an issue over dieting, even if you are right.