Yoga is the right kind of exercise for children as it is gentle, non-competitive and works not only the entire body but also the mind and spirit. Children of all ages and physical abilities can participate.
Five Yogasanas a Child Can Do Include these five yogasanas in your child's daily fitness regimen and you'll pave way for his healthy future.

Benefits: This is a very good exercise for increasing height in growing children. It stretches the spine and is also good for toning the abdominal muscles.
2) Triangle pose or Trikonasana: Stand erect with feet apart. Inhale

Benefits: This pose exercises the entire body - legs, arms, neck, shoulders, back, stomach - and tones it. It is very good to alleviate constipation as it improves digestion.
3) Lotus pose or Padmasana: This is done in the sitting position. Sit down and stretch your legs in front of you. Bring one leg, with the aid of your hands, to rest on the opposite thigh such that the heel touches the groin. The sole of the feet should be facing upwards. Bring the other leg to rest similarly on the other side. Hands should rest on the knees. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breathing.
Benefits: This calms and soothes the mind. It will help children become less excitable and increase their attention span.

Benefits: This pose is very good to remove accumulated gases in the stomach and alleviate bloating and constipation. It massages the abdomen and tones up the back, waist and bottom.
5) Bow pose or Dhanurasana: Lie flat on the stomach with arms on the side. Bend the knees and catch the feet with the corresponding hands. Raise the head, shoulders and chest off the ground and simultaneously the knees and thighs, such that only the abdomen is in contact with the ground. Hold this position for a while and then slowly release the hands and come down to the starting position.
Benefits: This pose is a good safeguard against gastro-intestinal problems and obesity. It tones up the spinal column, arms, legs - in fact, the whole body.
Benefits of yogafor Kids:
- It is absolutely safe for your child.
- It helps negate the effects of the competitive life (and its negative long-term effects) the child is forced to live.
- It helps children to relax, concentrate and focus.
- It builds stamina, stability and balance.
- It helps improve digestion, elimination of toxins and circulation.
- It strengthens the musculature of the body, elongates the spine and promotes good posture.
- Children who practice yoga have a good posture.
- Specific postures help relieve gas and constipation.
- It improves breathing habits through pranayam.
- It develops speech skills through the use of singing and chanting.
- It improves sleeping patterns.
- It improves memory and develops effective concentration skills.
Yoga means connecting to God. A child's mind is pure and body flexible. They'll absorb everything that is given to them. The earlier your child begins the better he will feel. Let yoga be his guide into the world of good and harmonious living. Give him this gift to keep him healthy and happy - more positive, self confident and emotionally independent.